2nd Place ($35,000) - Matt Davis, WellSpringboard

"WellSpringboard" is a crowd-sourcing and crowd-funding online app created by a team based at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. It combines the power of crowd-sourcing and crowd-funding to identify research questions of greatest interest and to provide financial incentives to promote research on those questions.

Take a Tour of WellSpringboard

3rd Place ($15,000) - Paula Gill, Partners in Research!

"Partners in Research!" is a community-building and collaboration app developed by CareHubs Inc. of Beaverton, Ore. It is an online community engagement platform that blends social media with the ability to create detailed member profiles and collaborate in private workspaces among other features. It currently supports more than 20 online communities, according to its developers.

Click here to view a slideshow on "Partners in Research!"

CareHubs Homepage Screenshot

Posted: September 23, 2014

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